SRM Networks and Mobility (SRM)
SRM is the local Authority for Public Transport in Bologna area, founded in 2003 by the Municipality and the Province of Bologna. SRM is a Public Equivalent Body established as limited company (whose capital is entirely public) to perform the following activities:
● promotion of initiatives focused on increasing the diffusion and the valorisation of local public transport;
● management of the infrastructures serving the local public transport service;
● planning, organisation and promotion of integrated public transport service and private mobility.
SRM is member of CIVITAS and UITP OA (Organising Authorities) Committee. SRM has been and still is involved in several European projects, including research project on transport issues (under FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020) and INTERREG projects.
SRM, as a Public Transport Authority, plays a very important role as a key stakeholder, linking municipalities, transport operators and transport researchers, giving to decision makers support for planning, awarding, monitoring and evaluating the transport service and its nodes, focusing on passengers’ perspectives, having always in mind to encourage the shift from individual motorised to collective transport or to more sustainable ones. SRM is very committed in governance issues and manages four service contracts related to:
● Public Transport in the Metropolitan area of Bologna
● Parking in Bologna
● Bike Sharing in Bologna
● Car Sharing in Bologna