First pioneer cities to launch demonstrations of the tools for inclusive mobility
The MDI platform is one of the most relevant outcomes of the TRIPS project. TRIPS Consortium partners developed two applications. This platform is composed by an accessible mobile app and a webapp dashboard.
- The mobile app TRIPS MDI aims to measure the Mobility Divide Index, which evaluates public transport services from the point of view of people with disabilities. The goal is to measure the accessibility gap, which prevents persons with disabilities from having equal access to public transport. Users with impairments can download the app, answer to a set of questions and eventually report anonymously their accessibility issues. By sharing their journey experience, they will contribute to audit the level of inclusiveness of local transport services and to identify possible improvements.
- The public dashboard helps all stakeholders to visualize in real time the MDI rate and the reports obtained by the mobile app. The goal is to help all stakeholders to understand the accessibility gap, and to provide local authorities with a valuable tool that can help to improve the accessibility of their cities
After incorporating the suggestions of our selected key users, the release 2 of the TRIPS MDI App is going to be released within the end of October 2022. Several cities have spontaneously applied to pilot the App testing with the collaboration of the local stakeholders: not only TRIPS partner cities, but also follower cities will be involved in such demonstration: a confirm of the great interest raised by the TRIPS project.
Tests will be carried on in the months of November and December 2022. In each pilot city Public Transport Authorities will promote the audit with the collaboration of local Associations of disabled people. users to download the App, answer to the questions and share anonymously their insight and experience about the quality of their journey with public transport. Their feedback will help us to validate and improve both the MDI methodology and the tools.
Pilot cities are going to exploit the test in the perspective of a future adoption of the MDI Platform as a tool for the continuous improvement of the local transport services. Anyway, the TRIPS tools will be available for further interested cities, as key components underpinning the future European Accessibility Observatory.
If you are curious, please check the current version of the TRIPS MDI app available here:
If you have a PC / TABLE, you can view the anonymous results here, by clicking “Enter as Guest”:
For any information, if you have some ideas for improvement, or if you want to cooperate with TRIPS Consortium, please write to us at